Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Difference Between Gifted Schools And Traditional

If your child is above average in some areas at school, then consider a gifted or talented school over a traditional public system. 

When you think about a gifted school, you might think that it's a private institution with students wearing uniforms and subjects that are taught on a college level. While most of this is true to a point, gifted schools are similar to a traditional school in many ways, but there is a challenge offered that students won't receive anywhere else. Classes are harder, there is more homework, and the projects are more in depth. The coursework is meant to prepare students for college, as some can, and will, enter college early.

There is always work to be done at a school for gifted and talented children, but there is fun offered as well. Some schools enjoy taking field trips to educational locations, such as museums, that enhance the mind. There are some schools that have boarding areas so that students will stay on campus for an extended period of time. This isn't the case in all gifted schools, but if it is an option, then it should be considered so that students can be around peers who are of the same intellect.

Teachers will provide a nurturing environment for students to reach their full potential. They work to bring out the best in each student and foster individual gifts, such as singing, acting, playing a musical instrument or demonstrating leadership skills. Gifted and talented students are encouraged to participate in club events that match their cognitive skills and desires. There is a good bit of creative thinking that takes place in the school instead of simply working out a problem with a few basic steps. This will prepare students to work out problems that might take place in life.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

5 Reasons Your Gifted Child Should Be in a School Catered to Gifted Children

5 Reasons Your Gifted Child Should Be in a School Catered to Gifted Children
There is a lot of debate about whether children should have their education catered to them. Do slow learners need to be in remedial classes? Should gifted children go to private schools that cater only to gifted students? These questions can be hard to answer, and each family might find their own way. Here are a few reasons why your gifted child should go to a school where they will be catered to:

1.    Full Potential

When gifted children stay in regular school systems, there is a chance that they will not be engaged enough. This may cause gifted children to not reach their full potential. At schools where gifted children are catered to, they will be pushed to be the best that they can be.

2.    Hands-On

Not only will kids be pushed to their full potential, but they will be able to learn in a hands-on environment. They will have hands-on experiences in science, music, foreign language, fine arts rocket engineering and so much more.

3.    Highly Trained Faculty

At a gifted school, the faculty will be highly trained to work with and nurture gifted children. This is just one of the ways that these schools ensure that your gifted child really reaches their full potential.

4.    Special Curricula

To help students be the best they can, oftentimes there is a special curriculum in place for all of the students. Students will learn in ways that truly interests them.

5.    Like-Minded Peers

Finally, when your gifted child attends a special school, they will be surrounded by other gifted children. This gives them an environment where they feel safe, secure and happy to learn.

If you want your gifted child to attend a school that caters to gifted children, make sure to do more research to find the right school for them. Call a school today to learn more!